Il regolamento sotto riportato é quello dell'IDO che vale come base per tutte le competizioni internazionali, anche per il WDC!
Attenzione: il regolamento e sottoposto a continue migliorie e pertanto é sempre da verificarne la attuale situazione!

The music hast to start at the slowest allowed tempo and rise round for round

Preliminary - Up to 6 per heat / 120–128bpm 90sec. / music by Organizer

Preliminary - Up to 6 per heat / 120–128bpm 90sec. / music by Organizer

Intermediate to Semi Finals / Up to 6 per heat / 124–140bpm 90sec. / music by Organizer

Semi Finals - Up to 6 per heat / slow 80–104bpm 90sec. fast 124–140bpm 90sec. / music by Organizer

Final - Round Up to 6 per heat / slow 80–104bpm 90sec. / fast 130–144bpm 90sec. / music by Organizer

There must be a break for the couples to change clothes before Final Show starts!

Final Show - each couple separate arranged by lottery / 80–144bpm 135sec. max. / music by couples choice, onger music will be faded out after 135sec!

International Dance Organisation
DANZE FREESTYLE Referente Internazionale: IDO - International Dance Organization (Organismo associato IDSF - International Dance Sport Federation) (Organismo associato WD&DSC - World Dance & Dance Sport Counci)l




1. Both a Slow and a Fast Round is required. Technique and improvisation are highly important in the Slow Round, and overall agility and partnership dynamics are highly evaluated in the Fast Round.

2. Definition:
Disco Fox could be known and named as Disco Hustle, Swing Fox, Disco Swing, Rock Fox in different regions.

3. Accepted characteristics and movements:
The characteristic of the dance is basically stationary, although the couple can move with walks and turns across the floor. Most of the time it is danced in double or one handhold in every variation like cross handhold, right in right hand and others. Wrap figures, spin turns, pivot turns, throw outs, let go and catch again actions are the main characteristics of the dance. Natural hip movements are accepted. Posing as over sways, leans, checks, drops and points are allowed.
Disco Fox Style must be shown!

4. Basic steps and rhythms:
Disco Fox is danced in open or closed facing position with different Handholds. It consists of basic steps and basic step variation which are in the rhythm 1 2 X. X can be 3,&3, a3, 3&, 3a. Examples are: 1 2 & 3, 1 2 3&, 1 2 a3.
Any combination of those counts, like 1& 2& 3 are allowed as variations of the basic step.

5. Poses, Drops and lines:
Poses and drops and lines are allowed. These figures should not dominate the performance.

6. Acrobatic figures:
In every round except the final show acrobatic figures are not allowed. In the Final Show there is no limit for how many acrobatic figures that can be used.
An acrobatic figure is:
a. When a dancer is lifting the partner above the dance floor, so he or she has no contact to the floor (lift)
b. A dancer is swinging or throwing the partner, like in figure skating or in Rock-n-Roll

7. Format qualifying rounds:
a. In the opening round all couples shall be seen by the judges in a presentation dance for 1 minute. In the event of many entries and therefore the floor will be too crowded, the presentation dance could be divided in two or more groups.
b. The couples will thereafter be divided into heats. Number of couples or duos in the same heat is depending of the size of the dance floor but should not exceed 6 couples. The Chairman of judges gives a signal when all judges are ready but each heat will never last longer than 1 minute 30 seconds.
c. In the opening round, all couples shall than be seen by the judges in a closing dance for 30 seconds according to the same rules as for the presentation dance.
d. In all following qualifying rounds, there will be no presentation dance in the beginning or closing dance at the end of the round, except the semifinal where the Slow music is introduced.

The music hast to start at the slowest allowed tempo and rise round for round.
Preliminary - Up to 6 per heat - 120–128bpm 90sec. – music by Organizer
Preliminary - Up to 6 per heat - 120–128bpm 90sec. - music by Organizer
Intermediate - to Semi Finals - Up to 6 per heat - 124–140bpm 90sec. - music by Organizer
Semi Finals - Up to 6 per heat – slow 80–104bpm 90sec. fast 124–140bpm 90sec. music by Organizer
Final - Round Up to 6 per heat – slow 80–104bpm 90sec. - fast 130–144bpm 90sec. music by Organizer
There must be a break for the couples to change clothes before Final Show starts.
Final Show each couple separate arranged by lottery - 80–144bpm 135sec. max. - music by couples choice
Final Show: Longer music will be faded out after 135sec.
Preliminary Rounds: The intro part of the music should be no longer than 20 sec. The music should end in a slow fade out after a short louder part.
Hope Round: The Organizer has to run a “Hope round” as a mandatory regulation in order that all couples may dance twice.
Semifinal: In the semifinal the Slow round is added. Opening overview (1 min slow) - first heat Slow - second heat Slow - … first heat Fast - second heat Fast -… closing overview (30 seconds fast)
The Slow and the Fast round will be evaluated as different dances by the adjudicators. This means that a judge may give one couple one cross in the “Slow dance” but no cross in the “Fast dance”. In this way the maximum amount of crosses for one couple to qualify for the final will be 14 crosses from 7 judges.
Final Round: In general 6 couples are qualified for the Final Round. Depending on the marks there may be no less than 5 and no more than 8 couples in the Final round.The over-all placing of the couples will be decided by the Skating system over the three dances. The adjudicators will place each couple in the order of merit for first the Slow dance Performance and will then place each couple in the order of merit for the Fast dance Performance and finally place each couple in the order of merit for the Show dance performance, with open marks in every dance, if at the same event not more than two disciplines, included Disco fox, are being organized. At events with more than two disciplines, included Disco fox, it is the choice of the organizer to decide if open marking should be used.

8. Music:
Type of music:
Dance music in Disco style in 4/4 or 2/4 timing.
Choice of music: In the Show Dance of the fi nal round, the couple may use music of their choice. In that case the couple provides a high quality recording on CD.
If a couple has no own music the organizer will provide a choice of at least three (3) pieces.